Treaty Transfers Prisoners may be transferred to or from countries with which the United States has a treaty to serve their sentence closer to home an...
The landmark judgement which holds the field and is a seminal precedent in matters of this nature is Tata Cellular v. Union of India, (1994) 6 SCC 65...
Whether the Court have the jurisdiction to interfere in Technical tender matter by the way of Writ jurisdiction.
. In Silppi Constructions Contractors vs. Union of India and Anr., (2020) 16 SCC 489, the Apex Court has observed as under:- “19. This Court bei...
When can the Waiving Period of Six Months for Mutual Divorce u/s 13-B of HMA be waived off.
The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 provide, divorce through mutual consent as per section 13-B of the act. This provision requires that parties live separat...
laws on cancellation of bail.
Where a court considering an application for bail fails to consider relevant factors, an appellate court may justifiably set aside the order granting ...
When Wife can disentitled for maintenance on grounds of adultery.
The Punjab & Haryana High Court has observed that unless it is found that at the time of relevant point of time, the wife was actually living in a...
Rape On False Marriage Promise not maintainable Even After Knowing About Man’s Marriage
The Kerala High Court on Thursday reiterated that if a man retracts his promise to marry a woman, the consensual sex they have had will not constitute...
Past Service Of Transferred Employees To Be Included For Assessing Promotions, Other Benefits
Thus, Justice Biren Vaishnav allowed the petition of workmen who were challenging a resolution of 2017 passed by the Finance Department stating...
Divorce on grounds of Mental Cruelty and on false allegation.
For considering dissolution of marriage at the instance of a spouse who allege mental cruelty, the result of such mental cruelty must be such that it ...
Power of High court u/s 482 of Cr.Pc. for quashing of Criminal proceedings.
The Hon’ble Supreme Court in Vineet Kumar and Others Vs. State of Uttar Pradesh and Another, (2017) 13 SCC 369 had occasion to examine the parameter...