It is a settled principle of law that if the relationship is founded solely on the pretext of marriage, due which the victim gives her consent for sex...
ex parte decree of divorce is not different from a contested one.
It is trite that the dissolution of marriage is complete once the decree is made. A decree of divorce breaks the marital tie and the parties forfeit t...
ESIC can not make departure or deviation from the rules mention in section 17(2) of Esi Act 1948 without obtaining the prior approval from the Central Government
Section 17 (2) of the ESI Act, 1948 specifically mentions that the recruitment, pay scales and allowances of the staff of the ESI shall be in accordan...
If the disagreement note in itself is faulty , the penalty order is liable to be set aside.
The Hon’ble High Court of Delhi held in the matter of EMPLOYEES STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION Vs MS. SARASWATI RAWAT : On the other hand, Mr. V.K....
Adultery is in any case a ground for divorce, however the same can’t be a ground for not granting custody
The Hon’ble Bombay High Court held that: “In any custody matter, what Court has to see is the welfare of the child. In the present proceedings, th...
NDPS Act Cases and related Laws and Bail.
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) have numerous medicinal and scientific uses. The use of opium for medicinal purposes in India can be...
Marriage and Divorce Laws in India-Article.
Introduction of Marriage & Divorce in India. Marriage is the socially sanctioned way for coming together of two individuals, who enter into a rela...
Section 156(3) CrPC | Magistrate Has Discretion To Direct Police Investigation Into Complaint.
Point that falls for consideration is: In the matter of CRIMINAL PETITION No.5562 of 2019 the Andhra Pradesh High Court dismissed a quashing petitio...
ESI Act Cases Expert Lawyer in Delhi.
A masterpiece in the matter handling related to the Employee State Insurance Act, 1948”. Mr. V.K Singh who is dealing the ESIC cases from last twent...
Attesting witnesses of a will.
The Hon’ble High court held that when the scribe is one of the attesting witnesses of a will, he is not more competent than other attesting witnesse...